Flutter Will Replace Cross-Platform App Development Frameworks

Flutter!! Will it replace the existing cross-platform app development frameworks?

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Monday, March 26, 2018 12:25 PM  |  3 min read  |   18

cross-platform app development

Flutter, it has become a hot topic or rather the talk of the IT development companies. Cross-platform app development is really time-consuming, tedious & challenging for all the business firms. But as we know change is inevitable, it was Google who brought around this change in the form of a solution for all the developers. The change was Flutter.

As we all know that flutter is an open-source, cross-platform app development SDK. Following are a few things you need to know about flutter:

  1. Developed by Google to prevent sudden chopping out.
  2. Dart – Google’s own dialect which flutter uses for development.
  3. Much like JavaScript with inbuilt security options which can be disabled for beginners.
  4. Google has given the mobile app developers an Android Studio module and support, so you can write in Flutter with your most loved IDE.

Why should you opt for Flutter?

Most of the developers are rigid! Meaning they don’t wish to shift from one platform to another. Well, be it good or bad but this is the case. I will give some reasons why opt flutter:

Which are the most famous cross-platform frameworks? Xamarin & React Native. Add the most prominent to the list – FLUTTER.

  1. Would you like changing your IDE? While developing on the above framework, you need to change your IDE. But with Flutter Development YOU NEED NOT!
  2. Would you like to develop separately for Android & iOS although working on a native application? Well, when it comes to Xamarin & React Native you can share around 90% of the code. But with Flutter it is not the case. The entire code can be shared.
  3. What about the Layout widgets? Being a developer less development & more attractive is cherry on the cake. Same is it with flutter, it allows you to develop your own Flutter Widgets.

Merits & Demerits of Flutter!

So, I hope you are sure of developing your next mobile app with flutter. But first, let me share the merits & demerits for the same:

  1. It allows you to create apps quickly, beautifully and attractive but before starting with it you need to spend time making yourself comfortable with the framework.
  2. It has a feature wherein the developer can immediately see the effect of the coding done & also allows you to develop your own widgets, but it does not have a WebView Widget.
  3. It is a so-called reactive framework. You need not make manual changes to the UI, they get updated on their own, but if you use different UI’s for different platforms you will have to write native codes for both.
  4. It is easier to install Flutter’s setup, but for beginners, it may take a little while.
  5. Although Flutter’s coding is easy & timely, the files occupy larger space on your system.
  6. Flutter has many advantages but the catchy drawback is its releasing versions. Google has not yet launched all its versions and thus while you develop a mobile app in Flutter it will bound to have many updates.

What is the last call on Flutter?


Bottom line (cross-platform app development)

Will the flutter framework really replace all the cross-platform app development frameworks? It can be a 70-30 ratio to Yes & No.

But for sure it can make a stand out on the market of mobile application development sooner or later. There are good development companies out there who have good mobile developers and they will sooner adopt the change Google has brought into.

Google is a day in & day out working on improvements of flutter SDK and bringing in many changes in the next release. But even, for now, it has a smooth & very responsive framework. Later, Google is going to ensure the unfaltering development of new libraries and guarantee group bolsters for beginners.


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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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