Google Announced About the Flutter 1.0 | Concetto Labs

Everything That Google Announced About the Flutter 1.0

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Friday, January 4, 2019 03:03 PM  |  4 min read  |   18

flutter app development

There are several things which Google had particularly about flutter 1.0. Here is a brief discussion about those particular points. In May 2017, generally, an open-source Mobile Application Development SDK Flutter had been launched by the particular company Google. This cross-platform development is usually meant for the creation of several apps mainly for both iOS Operation Systems as well as Android. So, worldwide, a positive response is usually received in this regard.

Know about Flutter 1.0


Know about Flutter 1.0

This helps the search engine giant to usually take one step ahead for the purpose of announcing the further version which is known as Flutter 1.0. At Flutter Live, generally, the entire important announcement was made. This particular version is again regarded as the initial as well as the stable launch of the UI toolkit by Google. For the cross-platform mobile apps, it will gradually help to build attractive native kinds of user experience with the use of a single codebase. Also, a number of third-party integrations are unveiled by Google. So, mainly at some of the forthcoming features, it helps to preview.

The road ahead was not at all easy for the company which before the particular release of the 1.0 version, usually go for a sum total of about six reviews. An alpha version of this thing was first released in May 2017 and then there was an arrival of the beta version in the month of February. A couple of release previews was also followed by beta 3. With Flutter 1.0, Google possesses a desire to particularly compete with the React Native which was mainly launched by Facebook. So, it gradually has a library that combines the integration of the platform as well as the optimum performance. Thus, with faster development, the native mobile was included in it. The Dart language is again mainly used by the Flutter.

Also, with the particular launch of the Flutter, Google gradually aims to resolve any sorts of problems which are closely related to the cross-platform app development. Thus, it is also generally expected for offering the User Interface as well as the hardware-accelerated graphics along with the presence of powerful native ARM code. So, it is generally proved to be much handy for both iPhone development as well as Android platforms.

Highlighting Its Four Major And Important Elements

Flutter has been generally introduced by Google as a kind of an app engine. So, it can be preferably embedded in an app. Else, you can also use it as a completely new app. It should be again not thought to be some sort of substitution for a particular as well as conventional Apple as well as Android app model mainly for the purpose of app development.

  1. The developers are gradually empowered by the Flutter for creating best-in-class applications. Thus, maximum freedom is generally offered to the app designers to use both the imagination as well as creativity without setting any sorts of restrictions of any particular frameworks. Full control over each pixel will be mainly possessed by the designers so that they will be able to design the most attractive as well as beautiful animated graphics. Along with that, they can also exercise control over both the videos and also texts. This is again in order to preferably offer the best kind of pixel-perfect experience. For the cross-platform OS, a complete set of widgets are also provided it. Again, it is involved in offering the best Material Design for the purpose of providing the best digital experiences.
  2. Flutter is mainly known for its rapidity. Along with that, it also possesses the hardware-accelerated Skia 2D graphics engine. So, it helps to offer strength to Android as well as Chrome. Again, Google has been preferably intended for offering bug-free as well as glitch graphics which is at a speed and also provided by the native devices. The codes are also powered by the particular Dart language. Thus, for both iOS and Android, the codes mainly help to compile both the 64 bit and also 32 bit ARM code.



So, the Flutter is mainly considered to be an open-source SDK and it also possesses the BSD based license. The main strength of it thus lies in the strong community of the developers who are present globally. Along with several plug-ins, the dynamic ecosystem is also used by it. You will preferably get the support of Swift or Objective-C on iOS as well as Java and Kotlin on Android.

Google is very sure of the fact that the Flutter 1.0 will gradually prove to be a great asset for both designers as well as flutter app developers for the purpose of simplifying their particular tasks as well as gradual improvement of their quality of work. Apart from that, the Company is also expected to upgrade its stable channel mainly on a quarterly basis. This generally occurs under a comprehensively tested environment.

Originally Published by find nerd.


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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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