What is Microsoft Citizen Developers - concettolabs

What is Microsoft Citizen Developers

Author image By Tejas Patel  |  Monday, February 18, 2019 06:23 PM  |  3 min read  |   22

PowerApps Licensing

The “PowerApps platform” by Microsoft enables the development and making of the mobile apps without extensive in-depth coding with the help of web-based user interface.

Microsoft PowerApps is possible with the Dynamics Citizen Developers. Who are they?

In the definition from Gartner, mentioned in general terms, is the elaboration of what a citizen developer is. Any person or individual user who utilizes his/her skills for the development of fresh business apps for others with the help of development approved by corporate IT.

Citizen Developers

Informally, a citizen developer is a person who need not have formal developing experience. He\She may possess some of the tech skills for the understanding of the aspects. The PowerApps UI is prominently based on the legendary Microsoft Excel, the one who excels at Excel excels at the PowerApps.

The minor question which comes in various minds is whether a traditional developer is a citizen developer. The technical aspects which an original developer looks and trades upon will not be found in this interface. Microsoft claiming that an app is made with minimal coding says itself that it would be a traditional developer’s cup of tea. The control and customization which a developer is inhabited make PowerApps not suitable for the legends and experts.

Well then, how can you incorporate PowerApps in your company?

For that, you will need an administrator from an IT background with the knowledge of process management and assigning roles.

Next, an expert: maybe a traditional developer or a formal developer with some programming experience. Let him learn the PowerApps first and have him develop some of the projects.

Another option for an expert is a PowerApps consultant with great helping skills. Concetto Labs is ready to be your PowerApps consultant.

Lastly, a group of active citizen developers with a functional background can be hired internally or externally. When looking internally in your organization, observe the employees who are good or great with MS Excel and are willing to develop some apps. Individuals from the background of Maths, Computer or Engineering will do.

On the Final Call

Finally, when you’re ready with your army of citizen developers, have the expert you’ve hired to provide them a formal two to three-day training. Also note that after the expert is done with its work, it remains available for you for the next two to three weeks for solving the queries of your newly formed citizen developers. This would help your own developers gain self-sufficiency and clarity about the concept and PowerApps.

Hire Powerapp Developer

PowerApps and Concetto Labs

For the Microsoft PowerApps development, there is a requirement of PowerApps citizen developer who must be a dynamic individual. We at Concetto Labs provide our services as a PowerApps Consultant for Hire and you can also Hire PowerApps developer who will work as an expert as well as a team of PowerApps citizens developers working for you as per your requirements constantly striving for perfection.


What is Microsoft Citizen Developers

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Tejas Patel

Tejas Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, I have 12+ years of professional experience in building high quality and scalable web applications using FullStack & PHP with its different frameworks.

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