Wordpress Plugins that You Ought to Use in 2019 | Concetto Labs

WordPress Plugins that You Ought to Use in 2019

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Tuesday, May 28, 2019 12:48 PM  |  3 min read  |   23


Hire WordPress developers India to maximize your benefit from the CMS platform. You will see that this platform is considerably delightful to both the users and the developers because, it is easy to use, and can be efficiently delivered at the end of the day. However, to make the WordPress website easy to use, functional and aesthetic, there are a few plugins that are used by the developers. These plugins accelerate the development of the website and also add the necessary charm to the business.

How WordPress Plugins will helps

If you are about to develop a WordPress website in 2019, then there are a few plugins that you ought to know which are still relevant. Let’s get started about them in detail.

  • If you have a WordPress site and don’t have the Yoast SEO, then you ought to install it right away. It is the in-built SEO for your website, which will further the visibility and the reach for your business. easy to use, and absolutely functional, you should get this plugin installed immediately after loading the theme for better content processing
  • The other popular and relevant plugin in this year is contact form 7. If you want to create easy to use and efficient contact forms for your website, this is your go-to plugin. Hire WordPress developers, and they will tell you how incredibly efficient this is to install and add to the website
  • A WordPress website seeks to be protected from spam, and you simply cannot avoid it in this age dominated by the robots and chatbots. The best way to achieve it is with a plugin known as Akismet. Immediately after installing WordPress, this should be your first plugin installation. It will ensure none of your posts are being spammed
  • The speed of the website is an issue for every developer and user. You need to maintain a certain speed if you want people to stay on your website. The only way you can increase the website’s speed with WordPress as your CMS is by installing the W3 Total Cache plugin. You can considerably reduce the total time taken to load the website and also work on enhancing the overall performance of the website.
  • Images can take a toll on your website. You hire WordPress developers India to make sure that the images are not taking too much space on your website. The plugin that helps compress the images and improves the overall optimization of the website is known as Smush image compression. A much needed for content sites that work with heavy images. You can also opt for the paid upgrades available with this plugin to improve the overall functionality of the website
  • Security is a concern that you have as a business. Hire WordPress Website developers who will help you increase the overall security by adding the WordFence plugin to your website. The features that the plugin offers include login protection, malware scan, firewall protection, etc. basically the plugin caters to all your security needs.

The Top WordPress Plugins You Need To Have

WordPress Plugins

These are just some of the popular plugins that are relevant even in 2019. Apart from that, there are a few new plugins that you can use to enhance the overall performance and boost the functionality of your website.


WordPress Plugins that You Ought to Use in 2019

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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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