Top WooCommerce Tips to Make your Store Even Better

WooCommerce Tips to Make your Store Even Better

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Thursday, February 20, 2020 04:43 PM  |  4 min read  |   21

WooCommerce Tips to make your store even better

According to eMarketer, eCommerce sales will reach $4 trillion by the end of 2020. This number proves that online shopping is set to take over traditional retail stores. Many eCommerce platforms and other WooCommerce platforms are in a race with 40% of the overall market share.

WooCommerce is ideal for startups, small to large businesses as it can customize the way you want it. WooCommerce has millions of active users where 50K+ downloads are done per day. Below we have listed Simple WooCommerce Tips to make your store even better. Let’s jump in…

Tips to make your store even better

Personalized and optimized the store that loads quickly

This is an important tip for any WordPress Development Company or any individual who is looking for the best user experience. A few of the steps are shown below to help you optimize the store.

  • Compress the store images as there’s no big deal with the quality of images
  • Use lazy load for the images
  • Compress the theme’s CSS and JS
  • Use effective cache plugins with W3 cache
  • Use CDN
  • Get a Good host

Provide personalized content

Content is a kind of everything that you need to have effective customer retention. Developing quality content will bring positive feelings to the target audience. You can also Hire WordPress Developer to get work done easily. Check below content personalized strategies that one can use while developing an online store.

  • Identify your target audience by giving them excellent quality content
  • Prepare materials for significant events, festivals, holidays on the calendar
  • Avoid content that sounds sales and give more knowledgeable information

Use the Right Extension

Give flexible extensions to the user or hire WordPress programmers to get tons of customized solutions. There are hundreds of extensions developed for you out in the market. Have a look below to understand how to use them:

  • Let customer pick their own delivery dates: This will let them set their own delivery dates based on estimated shipping times to their location. WooCommerce Order Delivery is an extension that you can use it.
  • Allow customers to purchase own currency: Give your customer a WooCommerce Currency Switcher extension. This will allow picking their own respective currency along with adding the geographical location.
  • Give customer branded shopping: For this WooCommerce Brand is an extension that’ll help you create countless brand categories.

Use the Latest Technology

Technology evolution in eCommerce bought transformation for the customer to interact with brands. It includes AI & Machine Learning to identify the needs of the customer and provide tailored based solutions. Check how to use this technology:

  • Use AI and Machine Learning to drive data
  • Use these data to alter your website and enhance marketing campaigns
  • Improve UX with better customer service with a simplified process

Have a great relationship with Customers

Keep your connection alive with customers as it is essential for a successful personalization strategy. Don’t ignore the customer by not responding to them. This won’t help your company to grow nor help you to receive more orders. Check the ways to improve relationships:

  • Send them personalized messages
  • Reply to their message quickly
  • Provide special discounts with a special pricing list
  • Keep conversations tone personal
  • Do offer complimentary promotions

Cross-Sell and UpSell

This is one of the best strategies that can bring in the giant for eCommerce game. It uses in the up-selling and cross-selling of products. In fact, both work hand-in-hand. Using Upselling you can sell expensive versions of the product in a place that you’re intended to buy. Cross-selling is when you want to sell something related to the product which the customer isn’t intended to buy. Know how you can make this work well:

If you alleviate the decision-making process easy for the customer then there are chances they’ll buy it.

Decrease the steps when upsell or cross-sell done on your store

Bundle the related products at a discounted price as there are chances that customers can buy multiple products at a fair price.

Focus on Store SEO

The user needs to optimize the WooCommerce store. As search engines are the most effective practices that use the latest trending keywords. This helps them to get your pages and product listed on Google pages. Moreover, the interlinking structure should be stable as Google will look for its authority at your store. Make a sitemap of your WooCommerce store with optimized each page individually. Also, the keywords added in the product description should be great to attract the audience. Connect with us to hire WordPress Programmers and get easy solutions on your figure tips.

Customize your Checkout page

For any online store, it is important that you give a great customer experience. Also, it should create a frictionless checkout process. Don’t let your customers click on several checkout pages. This might end-up abandoning the shopping cart in favor of another store. Make sure your store has easy adding multiple products to simplify the task. Moreover, secure checkout is an important factor to deliver a great shopping experience.

Final Thoughts

I hope the above tips will help you to create a marvelous WooCommerce store. As you might have observed that WooCommerce isn’t too complicated which you can’t handle. Even, if you don’t have any website building experience you can create the best eCommerce site than ever before. Don’t want to waste time creating the website. Connect with us, we are one of the best WordPress Development companies in India. Hire WordPress Developer from us to brand your product.


WooCommerce Tips to Make your Store Even Better

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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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