Software Development Life Cycle Models - Importance of QA

Software Development Life Cycle Models – The Essential Importance of QA

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Wednesday, April 22, 2020 04:09 PM  |  3 min read  |   23

Sofware Testing

Quality Assurance in software development has become more popular nowadays and the importance in the development process of the software industry over the course of many years.

Software testing is quite broad and encircles a variety of activities along with the development cycle, it’s not a narrow ecosystem.

The path to achievements and goals is covered with breathtaking research challenges. A typical testing scenario contains 50% of development efforts and it takes a number of efforts for systems that require higher levels of reliability.

The software testing process involves so many non-technical and technical areas like design, specification, implementation, process, and management issues in software engineering and maintenance.

One of the most dominating and challenging activities carried out in the industry is testing. Hence, with respect to the time and resources improvement in its effectiveness has been considered as an important factor among the researchers.

The ultimate goal of testing: Quality Assurance, Validation, Verification, Reliability Estimation, Time, A near-perfect tradeoff between budget and most important quality. The most widely used approach is testing to ensure software quality.

Let’s Have A Look On The Objective Behind The Software Testing

Look On The Objective Behind The Software Testing

There are various purposes like a demonstration, detection, prevention, and improving quality. Most people are aware of the method that involves finding problems and fixing them with the purpose to improve overall quality.

1. Demonstration

This shows that the system can be used for integration under acceptable risk. Under special conditions, the task is to demonstrate functions and show that products are ready for integration.

2. Detection

As per the name, this aspect discovers defects, deficiencies, and errors. The reason is to determine system limitations and capabilities in the quality of components, work products, and the system.

3. Prevention

To reduce the number of errors or to prevent the system specifications and its performance the term ‘prevention’ plays a major role by providing the information that ultimately reduces the error count.

Prevention identifies ways to avoid risks and problems in the near future.

4. Quality Improvement

With effective testing, the number of errors can be minimized and improve the quality of software.

Let’s Have A Look On Different Types Of Testing Models

Like other aspects, software testing is also divided into different parts. It’s important to understand the SDLC – Software development life cycle to get into its models.

Types of SDLC Models are

  • Waterfall Model
  • Prototype Model
  • V Model
  • RAD Model

The Waterfall Model

The approach in the software development ecosystem is like a straight waterfall that doesn’t branch anywhere in the middle as there is water available at the bottom only when it drops from the top.

The different phases of the waterfall model are requirement specification phase, design, implementation, testing, deployment, and system maintenance.

The Prototype Model

As the name says prototype means a working model of an actual project like software, construction, automobile, etc that are functionally
Equivalent to a component of the product.

Regarding the input system, missing detailed information leads to the development of prototype models.

QA In The Process Of Software Development

The two most important aspects of all the industry safety and quality and without them, no company can crash down like a house of cards either service based or product base doesn’t matter.

So many people believe that quality comes with a cost and frequently associate it with a price which simply means high quality equals high cost.

Quality always demands the requirement specifications. There are some of the organizations that are not willing enough to stretch the efforts to produce specifications at a level where the details required.


If the product is already completed then quality can’t be achieved just by analyzing. The aim of QA in software development is to prevent defects in the first place and make the products more accessible by quality.

There are a number of testing companies who provide hiring facilities using which different companies tie-up with them and hire QA team India and get the best quality products.

Some QA methods include structuring the development process with Top Software Development Companies standards to support the development process with techniques and methods. So without thinking much just Hire QA Testing Company India to deliver the best quality in your product.

You can also Hire QA Analysts from us in an affordable budget and also on an hourly, monthly, and yearly basis.

Software Development Life Cycle Models – The Essential Importance of QA

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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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