Do You Need Automated QA Testing? | Concetto Labs

Do You Need Automated QA Testing?

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Tuesday, September 8, 2020 02:22 PM  |  4 min read  |   23

Do You Need Automated QA Testing?

Every CTO of the mobile app development companies is continuously looking for new ideas or ways to boost their current QA strategy to deliver automated qa testing at a good speed.

Especially in the tech world, where almost 70% of the app users churn within 90 days, it becomes imperative to deliver a great quality product that stays longer in people’s smartphones. And with the fast and lightening SDLC being added to the mix, it becomes hard to streamline the QA process.

And that’s where QA automation services come into the picture.

QA automation seems to be a kind of buzzword in the app market. The mantra seems to be simple: if you can automate it… do it.

The repetitive task has substituted humans with Artificial intelligence. It has so much impact that our lives that our whole life is automated right from making coffee in the morning till calling a cab. Those who champion automation hail the speed, and those who fail, lack behind.

So, should you automate your testing? Let’s find out.

What’s the Main Reason to Automate A Test?

The sweet and short answer to this question is repeatability. Automating QA testing seems to be a viable option when we want to execute the same test repeatedly. Do you wish to automate a test if you’re the only one to test and later forget? Obviously Not! The time and effort spent to automate a test can be done manually.

So, I hope now it is clear that we automate repeated tests, i.e., regression test, which needs to be executed frequently.

So, the next time when you automate a test, think how often you would like to execute this test?
Is it worth the effort to automate the test?

In Which Use Cases Automation Testing Is A Good Idea to Go With?

Below are the use cases where automation testing can go well:

In Which Use Cases Automation Testing Is A Good Idea to Go With?

1. Regression testing:

Generally, this testing is used for re-testing pre-existing application functions that are carried forward to usually new versions.

2. Smoke testing:

This testing is used to get a quick and high-level assessment on the build quality and decide to go further or not go with more in-depth testing.

3. Static & Repetitive testing:

The automating testing task that is repetitive and remains unchanged from one test cycle to another.

4. Data-driven testing:

Such a test is used for testing application functions where the same procedure needs to be validated multiple times with different inputs and more massive data sets like login and search.

5. Load and performance testing:

Such testing is done when there are no viable manual alternatives that exist.

What Are the Most Commonly Used Automated Testing Tools?

Below are some of the most commonly used quality assurance automation tools by top QA companies globally.

What Are the Common Challenges Faced During Automation Testing?

Some of the challenges faced during automation testing are:

1. Need to maintain effective communication between teams:

For successful QA testing, proper communication channels should be maintained between the QA team, developers, and testing team to ensure faster and on-time release for the automation success.

2. Critical to Select the right test automation tool:

For any automated QA testing to be successful, it is highly essential to choose the best and the right automated testing tool based on the application under test. However, many open source and paid automation testing tools are available. Businesses can select the best tool-based applications for web, mobile, and API testing.

3. Adopt a proper and adequate testing approach:

A QA should not only select the right automation tools but also follow the best testing practices to ensure its success. The QA team should adequately plan and adopt an approach where the application under test often changes during the development cycles. Thus, if a proper automation approach is chosen, then testing becomes successful.

4. Analyze tests to be automated:

The QA needs to think and analyze which tests should be automated and which should not. Automation testing works best when the tester knows which test should be automated and which shouldn’t. More so, it is also essential that the test cases chosen for automation should effectively show the portion of the user activity.

Do You Need Automated QA Testing?

In summary, deciding whether to use automated QA testing is about analyzing your current process and seeing where the automation fits.

Ask yourself the below questions while deciding manual or automates QA testing:

  1. Do you want tests to be performed repeatedly or just once?
  2. Would automating tests will be cheaper as compared to manual ones?
  3. How mature is your product? Do you expect multiple features to be integrated in the coming month?

These pointers will prove to help decide whether automated QA testing is right for your business or not. Automated testing should be the one best powerful toolkit in your testing bucket. Just because the method works best for one test does not mean that it will go well with other applications.

At Concetto Labs, we use a blend of automation and manual testing, and many offshore agencies and companies hire QA analysts from us to get the best results.

Book a consultation with us at a negligible price and hire a quality assurance analyst today to discover more about your about-to-be-delivered application.


Some Most Commonly Asked Questions on Automated Testing:

1. How does automated testing works?

With automated software testing tools, the QA team can quickly test the software, prepare the bug and defect reports, and compare the software with the existing ones to analyze the improvements.

2. Can you achieve 100% automation?

Well, it’s not usually possible. A blend of manual and automation is highly advisable to assure accurate results.

3. Why conduct automated testing?

Automated testing helps the QA team to re-check and validate the outcomes quickly without human intervention.


Do You Need Automated QA Testing?

That’s exactly what we do

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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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