What after Building a Mobile App? | Concetto Labs

What after Building a Mobile App?

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Wednesday, September 20, 2017 02:59 PM  |  2 min read  |   21

Considerations to partner with iOS or Android App Development Company

Once you have developed an app, the job ends there – this is a very wrong notion if you are having it. The next big and major step is to sell it, by making it visible to the users. You must focus on not only developing a pronounced app but also on the strategies for effective marketing of the app in order to make it more visible to the users. There are more than a million apps on Google Store. Almost every brand is creating an app of its own, hence adding more in the store!

So how would you make your app visible to the users? Here are some of the tips:

What is the Use?

Building a Mobile App

The main focus should be to highlight the use of the application. Honestly speaking, not all the apps are as useful as the makers think of them. Also, you can ask the end-users as to how you can make it better; incorporate the changes and present the all-new versions. This is the very concept behind launching App updates on a regular basis by apps like Facebook, WhatsApp, Smule, etc.

Target Customers:

Like it is applicable in real life – you cannot make everyone happy! It goes well with the digital world as well. Not all apps are for everyone. Hence it is better that you have a well-defined audience in mind, and carve a niche. When you have a defined slot of users in mind, it becomes easier to arrive at the strategies you can implement to promote your app.

Feedback Helps!

Have you come across the time when you are doing a purchase of Amazon, and the app asks you to rate itself on the App Store? That’s because ratings and feedbacks or reviews are the easiest and greatest ways to make the app visible on app stores, and help in the betterment of the app.
Say Yes to Paid Promotion!

If you are not facing a heavy financial crunch, you might as well opt for a paid promotion. Social media pages like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn are some great and most visited places where you can easily promote your app, and it is content using paid ads. Creating Google keywords, mobile advertising, etc. are some other ways to do so. E-mail Marketing is another rage in the world of paid ads.


User-Friendliness is the Key:

“Keeping it Simple” is fundal on which you should work. It is more important to create a successful user interface than incorporating complex functions in the app. The app should initiate “conversations” with app.who doesn’t like a toll that is easy to use, and is of great utility!

Content Matters!

It is extremely important to create reachable and attractive content that convinces the prospective users, and also explains how the app is going to make his life easier. The best catchy way of presenting your content is by uploading a great video ad on YouTube or social media pages like Facebook or Twitter. It will make sure that the content is reaching the target consumers.

Concetto Labs helps to build a mobile app with 100% user-friendly.


What after Building a Mobile App?

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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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