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How to Guides

05 Jul 2017  20

Who Sounds Like A Winner! – React or Angular 2

REACT or ANGULAR 2 We all know that they both belong to two different continents. But still, because of certain similarities in their dissimilarity, there is a cardinal need to juxtapose REACT or ANGULAR 2 on various credible parameters. But before that let’s have a look at the trending situation for both. Here is a […]

27 Jun 2017  19

All You Need To Know About The New Angularjs 4.2

The all new AngularJS 4.2, is out of its egg shell and all the tech freaks are eager to crack the books of this Angular. So without dwindling time, let’s start counting all the new feathers in the crown of Angular 4.2. AngularJS 4.2, ANIMATIONS With its novel entry, Angularjs 4.2 has brought in the […]

26 Jun 2017  18

Comparative Study Between Angular js 1 and Angular js 2

Angular JS also was known as “Angular.js” or “AngularJS 1.X” marked its birth in the year 2010, to ease out the building of complex and data-heavy web apps through JavaScript. At the time of launch Angular JS could boast of having three jewels glued to its glory: Inimitable fast code production Effortless testable piece of […]

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