QA Archives - concettolabs
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29 Mar 2022  443

Everything You Need To Know About Agile Testing Methodology

We are living in an era of competition and rapid development. So to keep up with this advancement, we should try adopting different kinds of methodologies. Agile methodology is the best choice then. It’s developed by software developers to control their workload. So they can process every work in a better way. Moreover, if you […]

16 Dec 2021  22

How UI/UX Testing Will Transform Your Project Into A Raging Success?

There are various queries from customers in a day regarding the working and functionality of an app or website. That covers various aspects of the web tool may it be security, functioning, user interface, etc. All these issues have different reasons associated with them and have corrections accordingly. Today we are discussing UI testing in […]

30 Apr 2021  27

Explain Functional Testing And Its Types

What is Functional Testing? Functional Testing is software testing that validates the software system. It provides input by verifying the output against the functional requirements. The Testing involves black-box testing, which isn’t concerned about the Application’s source code. The testing type in software checks User interface, Security, Database, APIs, Client communication, and other application functionality […]

19 Feb 2021  20

How Business Can Avoid Risk Impact In Quality Assurance Delivery?

Though you have spent innumerable hours in the development of a one-of-a-kind product that would hit millions of download rates in the App and Play store still your product isn’t successful in the market. Why? What’s the root cause? A lot of research has been conducted to identify the root cause of software failures. And, […]

23 Dec 2020  21

Importance of Quality Assurance for your Business

Companies look for the best quality for users and want to keep balance with the development timeline. In this competitive market, the quality of the products is the only thing that matters. The design and concept cannot justify any structural flaws which we can avoid. Therefore, an effective way to ensure that everything might work […]

03 Nov 2020  21

How Partnering With A QA Solution Benefits Your Team?

Once Marc Andreessen said, the software is eating the world, and most of the company needs to become a software company. In this competitive market, there shouldn’t be room for error. Therefore, software testing is an integral part of the software development process. In a few things, these testing activities do not follow much. That’s […]

21 Oct 2020  21

Software Testing Methodologies to Watch Out in 2021

The testing process is an essential part of any Software Testing Company. A robust software product can deliver using standard testing methodologies which help to predict the timeline of the software system. The software can turn even more complicated with many devices and platforms. It’s required to ensure that they meet specific needs which installed and […]

08 Sep 2020  22

Do You Need Automated QA Testing?

Every CTO of the mobile app development companies is continuously looking for new ideas or ways to boost their current QA strategy to deliver automated qa testing at a good speed. Especially in the tech world, where almost 70% of the app users churn within 90 days, it becomes imperative to deliver a great quality […]

11 Aug 2020  20

The Mobile App Testing Strategies That Concetto Labs Follows

A mobile app is nothing if it fails to offer a seamless experience to its users, which they expect from it. An app that is considered majorly to be a technical piece is much more than it. As there is the integration of coding, technology, and testing. Mobile app testing is a mandatory aspect of […]

30 Jun 2020  19

What’s Driving Growth in Telemedicine and Software Testing Trends?

Telehealth has always worked as a pillar of technology-enabled delivery. It helps the health system and various hospitals to deliver care at a distance. The year 2020 unfolds with COVID-19 Pandemic which needy testing health-system capacity. Remote monitoring has never been in the spotlight before. But today, telehealth technology is helping in taking care of […]

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Our integrity and process focuses largely on providing every customer the best recommendations for their respective business. Our clients become recurring customers because we always go beyond their expectations to deliver the best solutions.


We brainstorm a lot!

Because brainstorming leads to new thoughts & ideas. We believe in discussing & bridging the gap leading to nicer suggestions & application.


Believe in Innovation!

Innovation is like Jugaad. It only comes when you give it a try. We believe that extraordinary things come with innovation which help you stand & lead in the crowd.


Creative Developers!

Our developers are always keen to develop creative ideas. There is “NEVER a NO.” They have an eye on the market facts, thus develop in the latest on going environment.


Value for Money!

We understand the value of money & thus with a modular approach serve you the best quote for your application & web services. The features we promise, we deliver. #notohiddencosts

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