Fitness app development for iOS and Android - Concetto Labs

Fitness App Development For IOS And Android

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Wednesday, September 27, 2017 12:07 PM  |  3 min read  |   23

Fitness app development for iOS and Android

Everyone knows how important to live a healthy and active life, but to maintain a daily routine for a healthy life is the biggest errand. Generally, people select their health goals like losing weight, managing stress, managing their incurable condition, getting six-pack abs, etc. but somewhere in their daily routine, they missed it. That’s why people started using Fitness Application which can perform as a personal trainer for every user.

Health and Fitness app development is the most popular category of Mobile platforms. Today, more than 50% of users are using Health and fitness application for their diet programs. Half of the user prefers to use mobile applications only and they don’t go to the website for the same. Thus, it became an essential part of Fitness vendors to create their own health & fitness application if they want to hold on in a competitive environment.

Benefits of creating Health & Fitness App development

Benefits of creating Health & Fitness App development

1. Increase booking and membership sales

Without an application, booking countless members and management of their payment can be hectic. However, by creating your own application, your members don’t have to call, email OR text you for booking and renewing their membership. This can be beneficial for both members and vendors.

2. Produce a direct marketing channel

Are you searching for a better way to promote your business? If yes then you can create new opportunities and upsells through the palm of your hand. You don’t need to explain your services and the tips for user fitness. They are just a single click away from all the information. Although the reviews of your clients, push notifications, ratings can help you to get more customers towards your business.

3. Stick out from the competition

Prefer to offer something different and more from your competitors. If you have created some advanced features that your customer will love then it can stand out differently from others. In such an overpopulated market where studios are popping up in every corner of the street, mobile applications with creative features could help you to step ahead of the competition.

4. Create streamlined communication with members

You can create new opportunities to take communication with members to the next level. Media report shows that adults are spending at least 2.8 hours a day on their mobile phones. Thus, through the mobile application – you can send all the information on the Home Screen of the user’s Smartphone as opposed to the email which directly goes into their junk email. The mobile application makes your communication easy with the customer.

5. Give you a straightforward way to retain members

Whatever the service you’re providing to your members is not generating any positive results then you must focus on identifying new possibilities to increase the value of your services. I’m talking about value addition to your services which can be beneficial to your client.

How will you do this? – Here, your own mobile application will help you. Your application will create a unique and elementary way to interact with your members with your business.


We at Concetto labs have a strong portfolio of health and fitness app development for Android and iOS. Our application development experts are desirous to explain the scope of work for your Health & fitness application. Contact US today to fulfill your requirement with the creative solution and best quality work.



Fitness App Development For IOS And Android

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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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