Best Web Apps Ideas For Your Startup Business | Concetto Labs

Get the best web apps ideas for your startup business

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Friday, March 1, 2019 11:51 AM  |  3 min read  |   19

startup business

A decade ago, if you have your own website and mobile application then it will become easier for you to get a good online presence. However, things are changed now. Due to the competition, if you would like to attract an audience to your business then you need to choose an optimum and distinctive idea from other organizations. Thus, competition has increased the level of importance of digital marketing but it will only work if you have your unique presence in front of your clients.

As an individual startup company, you need to work on the latest technology that has been overwhelmed by the clients. With the tremendous client acceptance, you should check the quality result of it too. Evanescence in the old customized design, you can give a completely new look and feel to your website which will direct attract your consumers.

Let’s get started with the top web apps development ideas for your business

To start with something out of scope, you should initially gather web apps ideas with the final business module. It will help you to start structuring based on the requirement. Here, we will have a look at the 10 best web apps ideas that are certainly useful. Let’s start with those.

You-Tube Radio: This is the best application to make money at low investment. It is a search-based platform where everybody searches based on their attentiveness and follows. There is a unique idea of picking up content without requiring it to type and make a playlist. Just turn on the app and get on your favorite music without any type of search.

Astrology based on Machine Learning: Many people in Asia strongly believe in Astrology science. By using Machine learning based Astrology, you can have the prediction and their remedies without consulting a real Astrologer.

Medical support platform: We know that more than 30 percent of the disease remains untreated because of unawareness. Therefore, the web portal is the platform that connects the patient to the proper remedies in a better way.

Chatbot Application: If you are planning to provide a better customer support solution then chatbot is the best one. A chatbot is that kind of solution where you don’t need to provide real-time chat support to the client. Via chatbot, you can replace manual chat support if you get the regular questions of the customer.

Business Advisor: You can create a platform where people can report their queries whether it is related to business, finance, management, etc. They would get a proper solution via the suggestion of others. This is something that can give them a unique idea to start with.

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Browser Tracker: Would you like to track the surfing details of your employee? Here, you can. Create a platform where you can get an alert whenever you notice any suspicious website is opened in your employee’s browser. You can even set a timer for a certain website to be visited.

Online Storage Space: There are so many personal websites available that require storage space for their bulk amount of data storage. You can create a website that can provide them online storage at an affordable price with high-security.

Social Platform Alert: This is the application where you can get an alert from the application while talking with an adulterous person. This is mainly helpful for women who face difficulty while talking with strangers.

Startup Club: Social networking application is where you can post about your latest article, product or client. More you will be aware OR more people will like and read your details, higher you will get your online presence in the listing.

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Website Builder: You can provide a platform where start-up organizations can develop their own websites within minutes by doing a simple configuration. Most Start-up organizations don’t want to spend their time creating the website and mobile app so DIY websites are an effective way to generate their online presence.

These are the top 10 Best App ideas to start your venture. Though, we at Concetto Labs the leading outsourcing company can help you to develop your own one. We have the best Android and iPhone app developers in the market that ensure you deliver the best mobile app development solutions. If you would like to know more about us, feel free to contact us.


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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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