Tips to Improve Product Management for Apps | Concetto Labs

Tips to Improve Product Management for Apps

Author image By Tejas Patel  |  Wednesday, October 25, 2017 11:45 AM  |  3 min read  |   19

Product Management

Product management is a pinch of experience and creativity combined. It’s hard to understand and describe product management even for talented managers. We’ve found that there are various ways to have product management the right way.

The experienced product manager can be in the range of more creative to more technical. They come from a wide range of educational backgrounds. It’s not rare finding people stumble into positions based on the product management instead of becoming a “product person” and pursue it.

Our product team is an important aspect of our success. The important is high for Concetto Labs of processes and documentation. It’s known fact that the more process you have, the more creative it can become. We always try to make the app and its features special for you by reducing our focus on the standard methods.

Pre – App Development / Feature Development

1. Must-Have Features.

Point out the main must-have features first and have them into your initial version of the app so that your app satisfies the basic need of the user.

2. Team Members.

The right ones provide with extra experience and expertise with their extensive passion which is platform-driven.

3. The purpose behind the Development.

Remind yourself on a regular basis who will use this app, what makes this a great app, how it will make things easier than before.

4. Have an initial discussion.

All the team members provide valuable info about the app. Discussion of the must-have features, background materials, budget, schedules, and other points should occur with the team members.

5. Develop and design the app or feature.

This helps you prioritize the app features into your process. After it, the wireframes and design provide a clear focus on the users and the design team.

App Development / Feature Development Phase.

1. Have the perfect tools.

Separate the tools for different types of project or product management. It’s convenient to have a specific set of tools for specialized products.

2. Gain Momentum ASAP.

It’s bad when the app is stalled and nothing worse than a feature being not accepted. Have a backlog focus on showing the progress of tasks.

3. CI for issue solutions.

Continuous integration (CI) can interpret the issues and problems which breaks a module. It can catch the issue parallel to the making of a build.

4. Have feedback after every build.

Integrate a tool for feedback. This will help you get the bugs, ideas, and great items to look for. Have it integrate with every build.

5. Once a month look at the overall plan.

Have yourself review the app plan or road-map is very much important. Have it with regular updates. Once a month review it individually and collectively with the team.

After The Launch.

1. Quick and regular update for bug-fixing.

After your major app release, have yourself made a bug-fixing update in maximum 3 days. This will reduce one-star review and criticism.

2. Response Time.

Respond to the users on the platform itself as Apple and Google has provided with the facility to you. Show you listen and be prompt in replying.

3. Diagnose better.

Solutions like Crashlytics, Appbot, and appFigures help you stay ahead. It’s important to detect reviews, performance, crashes, and everything else.

4. Have expert perceptions of your app.

Have such members who were not included in the development and design to review the app, test new features and updates. They would provide you with their perception with fresh eyes.

5. Track your user’s feedback feverishly.

Stay connected with all the social media. App store reviews can speak a lot. Inbox provides feedbacks. Find patterns and problems which are common. This is the key to the agendas for the next release.

Product Management

Concetto Labs is one of the best mobile application development companies. If you want to create your own app, Contact us today!


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Tejas Patel

Tejas Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, I have 12+ years of professional experience in building high quality and scalable web applications using FullStack & PHP with its different frameworks.

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