Reasons Why Hybrid App Development Is The New Gig

Top Reasons Why Hybrid App Development Is The New Gig

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Thursday, October 10, 2019 05:36 PM  |  3 min read  |   92

Hybrid App Development

Businesses these days are looking forward to the developed platforms that will present an enhanced engagement along with targeted audiences. There are more than 5000 million smartphone users as of 2018. In respect to that, there are nearly 197 billion applications that are downloaded by users.

In the latest survey of 2019, the prediction has been made that there will be the commencement of new technology in application development. And the possibility is high on the rise with the launch of new Android and iPhones in the market. Users have become quite contented in the search. With multiple features, options, and functionality supported by different brands, the experiences are going to a new peak. There are different pathways adopted by the organization in the venture of development of application and in that race, hybrid mobile app development is gaining huge recognition.

The reason behind this is that Hybrid app development serves with the best performance, secure, scalable, feature-packed and robust. They will be able to handle any business needs and demands.

What is the Hybrid app?

A hybrid application just has no restrictions on the operating system. Curated with standard web technology which includes HTML5, CSS as well as JavaScript for making use of the third-party product. It involves the process of wrapping the code to implement communication between the web view and the native device view. The Hybrid app development company make use of the tool that will directly link the native platform to the web view and create the area for communication.

How is Hybrid App Development Boon to the Market?

Hybrid app development company

1. Reduction in Development Cost

Building a hybrid application is highly cost-effective in comparison to the native app. The project gets completed earlier. In the fast-moving technology and digital world, efficiency in work and cost play an important role in helping companies to create and launch their products in a limited time. So, when you are hiring a developer, you will not have to look for creating different versions of Android and iOS. Rather with the use of different development frameworks and sets of libraries, the development procedure becomes easier and highly cost-effective.

2. Easy Integration

Just like native apps, a hybrid application has got the secure functionality of the internal programming system of the device. This is possible with overlay assistance that will enable the functionality of thorough synchronization with different compatible applications. This further lowers the chances of the integration problem for both Android and iOS app developers. The hybrid application tends to be more accessible to present you as a user with an impeccable user experience.

3. DevOps For Mobile Application

One of the issues that mobile app development companies tend to face is with the update of their application. With Hybrid mobile app development, updates are as fast as the web counterpart. Whether you are going for once in 4 months modification for weekly or monthly updates, the automation functioning of both the parts of this app development is smooth. Testing is done with the help of tools like Git, Jenkins, and Appium. You will be able to develop, build as well as test the application. The coding structure becomes easier to understand without having to worry about the different OS.

4. Easy Maintenance

Unlike the web application, a hybrid mobile application is created to make use of all the features that are functional in your device. Though native application makes use of different device features which becomes challenging for the users and also the developers. With a hybrid mobile application, maintenance becomes easier. It is just like updating a web-page in real-time.

5. Providing Offline Support

Another core benediction of a hybrid app is that it helps in saving offline data. These terms to be of great use to load the application almost immediately. Users will be able to access the information at the time of zero or no connectivity. There are a large number of users who wish to access the data even while their internet is not on and the hybrid app will allow you to do so without any glitches.

Final Words of Hybrid App Development

best app development company

To find the Top App Design Companies & best app development company there are a number of things that you need to keep in mind. Both native and hybrid applications have their needs and serve the needs of the users as well as the developers. People are more inclined towards a hybrid app as it serves as the perfect solution with a blend of new technologies for the best app development for any operating system.


Top Reasons Why Hybrid App Development Is The New Gig

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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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