What is iOS development and how to hire iOS developer in India

What is iOS development and how to hire an iOS developer

Author image By Manish Patel  |  Thursday, October 18, 2018 12:22 PM  |  3 min read  |   16

iOS Development

Basically, iOS is one type of mobile operating system that is created by Apple Inc. like the Android operating system but altogether in a different way. You can see it in various forms in all the flagship mobile devices of Apple like iPhone, iPad, and iPod. This is what you know about iOS but here we will work on the process of how to find an app developer who can set your expectations on a priority basis for your application development.

It is obvious that the iOS term itself is highly demanding and thus it has increased the requirement of iOS developers. So, it can be very costly to hire iPhone developer. However, on the other hand, thousands of people are joining this group of talent pool due to high demand. Therefore, choosing an experienced, talented, and motivated member can be an easy task if we have enough knowledge of how to do it. And, we are here to provide you with the best solution and to prove ourselves as your perfect choice.
Here, we will understand some basic requisites to choose the best iOS developer for your next project.
Hire iOS Programmer

Know your exact requirement

The very first question which would come to your mind is, ”Do I know my exact requirement?”. If yes then it would become easier for you to make a perfect choice. If you remain unclear about your requirement then you will not be able to explain it to others as well. So, before taking a start to your approach, just validate that you have a proper scope of the project with you so that you can explain it to other people in a better way.

Evaluate the candidates

Let’s say you have posted your requirement in any of the mediums. This is where you can make an advertisement for your project and can get the response of hundreds of developers. Now, how would you move forward, whom will you communicate with first if you are not aware of the technologies they have listed down in their proposal. In that case, you should match your requirement with the proposal.

Research their online presence

Developers have a number of tools through which they can show their technical and non-technical skills about their area of interest. Have a look at their online activity in blogs, Twitter profile, Github, etc. It will give you an idea about their previous work and furthermore you can get new suggestions for your requirement.

Check their detail code contribution

Open source is a great platform through which you can evaluate the experience of the developer you’ve found. It allows you to have a look into actual projects and you can ask questions to the developer for the same. It gives you a clear way to verify the skills of developers.

Know about the component utilized to build the project

While you connect with dedicated iPhone app developers, few of them won’t show their work publicly. At that time you can ask them for providing a few details about the project they had successfully created. Also, share your requirement with them and ask for the technology they will use. By doing this, you can check their technical skills as well as learn more about different creative and attractive ways by which you can gain more loyal customers.

Get complete life-cycle experience

While you connect, ask developers to showcase their work. An experienced developer would surely have some pet apps to show. Also, ask them what challenges they had to face while working on it. Know about their project life cycle which they follow. It will give you an idea about their process which will help link it to complete your project.

Are they updated with the technology?

To know this, you can ask them for their very first iOS project and what they have updated for time being to overcome the glitches of the previous ones. Also, are they using the latest technology which is more demanding? If yes, then you are at the right place.

Wrapping up:

hire ios developer
You can follow all these steps or requisites to hire iOS developer for getting your project done with your best efforts. Because making the perfect choice for the perfect requirement is the best way to create something extraordinary.


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Manish Patel

Manish Patel is a Co-Founder of Concetto Labs, a leading mobile app development company specialized in android and iOS app development. We provide a one-stop solution for all IT related services.

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