About App

  • Nusic is a social media platform for making mashups and remixes. It’s an online entertainment app that allow users to play, mix and create a one-of-a-kind track in just 3 minutes.
  • The app consists of list of users along with its scores. Once a user starts the game, he needs to play the music as indicated and if they succeed, they receive certain points/score.
  • Similarly, they can play the further levels and explore the app to create their own version of music.
  • They can even share the newly created music to their friends, relatives and others through the particular device’s available application options.
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About App
Home Screen

Home Screen

The home screen displays the list of music tracks with different levels. All users need to do is select the level and it will unload 16 various tracks corresponding to that level. User can play their favorite tracks and create their own new audio mix on the go.

Downloading Screen

This screen downloads and displays list of the music tracks as per the level selection. Once the user selects the level, an entire music track of that particular level is downloaded and ready to play.

Downloading Screen
Explore Screen

Explore Screen

This screen show user’s a list of multiple music mix created and uploaded by other app users; just like an Instagram feed. Here, user can also upload their own track along with its description, time duration and date. Users can even like and comment on the music track.

Setting Screen

This screen shows the user profile along with its details. A user can edit, update or delete the profile details as needed.

Setting Screen

All Screens

Nusic is a one-of-a-kind social media platform that let users play and mix music on the go. Creating your own music track has never been so easy before. Just play your favorite multiple tracks as it blinks, let it continue for 3 minutes and tada! You’ve already created your own version of track. Isn’t it amazing! Download the app and create your own tracks on the go.

Music Mixer AppMusic Mixer AppMusic Mixer AppMusic Mixer AppMusic Mixer AppMusic Mixer AppMusic Mixer AppMusic Mixer AppMusic Mixer AppMusic Mixer AppMusic Mixer App
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    Klemzig, Adelaide SA
